
How to distinguish genuine biodegradable bags from counterfeit bags

I believe you must wanna know how to distinguish the real 100% biodegradable bags from the fake ones. But you have to know what is 100% biodegradable & compostable bags? 

Normally the 100% biodegradable bags was made from plant-based polylactic acid (PLA). It is plastic free, tree free, renewable and nature raw material. It is contains no plastic, so the point is 100% bio bags was contains no plastic. Please following me.

1, The sound, Compared your 100% biodegradable bags with your ear, rubbing the bags first. If it is bio bags, its sound was gentle, it cannot be heard clearly at a long distance from your ear, But if it is plastic, the sound was crispy.

2, The touch feeling. Touch the bags with your hand, bio bags was soft, warm and gentle, but plastic was kind of harder and colder.

3, The smells. Bio bags have the fragrance of starch, but plastic have the chemical smells. 

4, The color. Bio bags always was with low clarity, most of them was milky and light yellow, kinds of corn starch original color, But plastic was clear and translucent. 

5, The flame. Light the bio bags, the flame was blue,  no smell and no dark smoke, Light the plastic, it was disgusting smells and black smoke. 

6, Taste it and chewing. It is chewable for the bio bags, But it is not for plastic, plastic will be always plastic no matter how sharp your teeth are!

7, Testing it by water. Bio bag will sink into the bottom, But plastic bag will floating on the water. 

The direct and simple way to test and distiguish the real bio bag is by the 5, 6, and 7 method, simple, crud but effective. 

Do you have any other better way to test it? looking forward to receiving your message. The above ways just waht i am testing. By the way, please trust the science. The techonical datas is the most persusave.

I am Bella. I am always do what i live to do. I received some samples from customer and he told me that is the fully compostable bags, he wanna us made the same bags as that one, but when i received it, i am shocked cause that is plastic material. So, this is why i wanna to teach you distinguish the good bio bag from the bad, not only cause it will be save your cost, but also cause it will save our earth. Will update to you the following test pictures and videos to you. If you cannot wait please contact us directly. 



Modified Atmosphere Packaging Freshness Bags

Have you heard the high tech modified atmosphere packaging bags before? It is a new fresh keeping plastic bags for fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs. It is meaningful for storage the the fresh products and extending the shelf life of the products. Let me tell you how it works. The modified atmosphere bags was made from improved low density polythylene, It is impregnated with a naturally occurring mineral for absorbing the oxygen. It could be lowered the oxygen rate and raised the carbon dioxide levels. It is used of natural respiration of the produce of the produce within the pack to develop a controlled atmosphere to lower the produce respiration rate then extending the shelf life.  This new fresh-keeping bags have a lots of features to keep the products in fresh. The atmosphere bags increases the gas permeability while removing the ethylene and other harmful gases. It is also a anti fog film to reduce the water drops reducing the potential development of the damaging...

Professional Plastic Bags Manufacturer Video

2018 Chicago Packaging Expo, Booth No. 9553 at Lower Lakeside Center. 2018 Tokyo Packaging Expo, Booth No. 5-C47 at the East Hall 5. Welcome to the exhibition.

How to choose the heavy duty plastic bags

Today, I am gonna teach you how to choose the heavy duty plastic bags. 1, Thick enough to be durable In order to meet the load-bearing needs when used.The thickness have to be reached 0.025 mm (GB). 2, The bags should be made from virgin material, not recycled material. But please keep your eye on the virgin material, cause it may be looks like virgin but it is recycled or mixed with the plastic fillers . 3, Choose the material with improved. Many plastic suppliers can be improved the material with different property by change the formula, Such as our company Qingdao Jintiandi Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. We have the own technology and facility to improved advanced formula. 4, Focused on the better sealing seam. Narrow and wide sealing seam with different loading bearing. Wide is better for durable. This is the lesson of today. More questions please email me bella@jtdplasticpackaging.com Have a great day.